Friday, November 27, 2009

Windows Explorer Error Message for Vista...Can't Do ANYTHING!!!?

This problem occurs on my Windows Vista Premium Edition computer. Everytime I start up my computer an error message pops up that says Windows Explorer needs to restart. (or something of that nature). NOT WINDOWS INTERNET EXPLORER, JUST WINDOWS EXPLORER. I can click look online for help and restart or just click restart. No matter what I click on it restarts and I have about 5 seconds to do anything and it just pops back up again. I cannot perform any actions or open any folders on my computer because within that 5 seconds when the message pops up again it exits out of any program I can get into in that time span. Does anyone know how to fix this? I see that a lot of people are having this problem. I also noticed that some anti-spyware program downloaded on my compter without my permission and I think that has something to do with it but I don't have enough time to delete the program because it will just exit out of it.


Windows Explorer Error Message for Vista...Can't Do ANYTHING!!!?windows vista ultimate

I would say that spyware program has something to do with your problem.

When it restarts, after the very first screen goes away (before the windows logo is displayed) start hitting F8. If the logo appears, you've missed your opportunity so turn off the machine and try it again.

What you're looking for is a menu to come up where you can select Safe Mode. Go into Safe Mode. Don't be scared because it looks really different, because it will, BUT you can then go into your Control Panel and remove whatever software you need to and/or run any kind of spyware scan or anti-virus scan.

Then when you're done, just restart the computer. If that menu comes up again, just tell it to go into Normal Mode and then it will, or at least should, go right into Windows.

Hope this helps.

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